Working together to strengthen cyber resilience in the financial sector

Insurance companies and banks are among the main pillars of the Swiss economy: together they generate around 9% of Switzerland’s gross domestic product and provide employment for roughly 218,000 people. As cyber threats are among the highest risks in the financial sector, cyber security is a high priority in the insurance and banking industry.

In order to promote cyber resilience and strengthen cyber security, we as an association bring together banks, insurance companies, the Schweizerische Nationalbank, SIX, associations and authorities. In particular, the most important associations in the financial sector are also members. Find out more about the role of the Swiss FS-CSC, prevention measures and crisis management in the interview with our Executive Officer Alexandra Arni and our Board member Gabor Jaimes, published by the insurance association Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband SVV.

Read the full interview in German here.